NOTE: This poem by Priyanka, written in 2013 in high school, floored me when I rediscovered it in the keepsake box. Proud parent thinks, Little Genius in the Makin’ 

As I wander through the forest,
The warm sun rests on my shoulders;
The playful blades of grass reach up to my ankles.

The tall, tower-like trees stretch upward
And tickle the lonesome sky;
The sky has no friends to chase
On this cloudless day.

I see the flowers lean left and right
To get a good look at the magnificent trees;
The pine needles from above
Sprinkle down their spicy smell like fairy dust.

The mountain breeze climbs up my spine
And weaves through my hair;
He races through the trees
As all the leaves cheer for him.

A scripted butterfly lands
On the trunk of the tallest tree,
Basking in its glory;
The baby trees, standing straight and proud
In the shadows of their parents,
Know they can also, one day, achieve their greatness.

And as I witnessed the small trees
Standing as straight as can be, I thought to myself
No matter how small I start off,
I can achieve magnitude.

Makin STUFF–